Let Heat Entertainment Group help with your Wedding, Business Event or Private Party. Heateg.com

DJ EMXP will appear at Badger Canyon Dugout for our Bust It At Badger THIS SATURDAY event from 9pm to 1am. Latin, Hip-Hop and other favs to get you movin!

Coming Feb 23rd, the popular Mardi Gras cruise with Water 2 Wine Cruises!

Our Speed Dating Event has been changed to SPEED FRIENDING on Leap Year Day, Feb 29th! Register to meet and maybe make new friends! Free to attend once registered! https://bit.ly/heatfrnd

On Valentines Weds Feb 14th our Specialty Trivia at Richland Dugout will feature the Rom Coms of the 2000s! Bring your date or your friends out and have a great time! Teams of 2 to 6 can register here! https://bit.ly/heatval We start at 6:15, get there 30 mins before that if possible to get your food and drink orders in!

On Thursday the 15th we have our Third Thursday Specialty Trivia at the Underground Taphouse in Pasco. The specialty trivia this night is Music of the 80s and 90s. This special event requires online registration! Your team of 2 to 6 can register here https://bit.ly/heatoldsch

On Sunday the 18th we have the return of Family Karaoke Night at Blackthorne Neighbourhood Pub with KJ Diana from 5pm to 8pm. All Ages!

We ask teams who register for Specialty Trivia to read and understand our basic rules before they play our game, this is to keep gameplay smooth and head off many questions ahead of time. All players on your team should read the rules here: https://bit.ly/heatrules

Be our State Karaoke Idol and Maybe event the International Karaoke Idol! We have 4 show choice in the Tri Cities you can register for… March 1st at The Underground Taphouse, March 9th at the Emerald of Siam, April 5th at the Richland Dugout and April 12th at the Southridge Dugout! Visit KaraokeIdols.com to create an account, then login to get started!


Wednesday Specialty Trivia – Maid in Manhattan, Enchanted
Wednesday at Sams Saloon – Ad Slogans, Cocktails
Thursday at The Underground Taphouse – Hip Hop Icons of the 90s, 80’s Hair Band Ballads
Saturday at Atomic Ale Brewpub and Eatery – Cheerleading, Famous Drummers