Let Heat Entertainment Group help with your Wedding, Business Event or Private Party. Heateg.com

DJ EMXP will appear at Badger Canyon Dugout for our Bust It At Badger event from 9pm to 1am. Latin, Hip-Hop and other favs to get you movin!

Coming Feb 23rd, the popular Mardi Gras cruise with Water 2 Wine Cruises!

Lazy River Taphouse is the spot for Tieton Cider Takeover and Music Bingo on Weds with Tracey!

LOOKING FOR MORE MEN! Heat Entertainment in conjunction with Southridge Dugout will host our first ever Speed Dating night on Valentines Day! We have 3 Age Brackets, 21-30 (+2) and 31-40 (+/-2), Visit the link to Register! And 41 to 50 (+/- 2)  https://heateg.com/speed-dating/

On Tuesday Feb 6th we will REPLAY our All Things Disney! Trivia for those who missed it due to the snow. This one will be at Southridge Dugout. Signup your team of 2 to 6 players here https://bit.ly/heatalldiz We start at 6:15, get there 30 mins before that if possible to get your food and drink orders in!

On Valentines Weds Feb 14th our Specialty Trivia at Richland Dugout will feature the Rom Coms of the 2000s! Bring your date or your friends out and have a great time! Teams of 2 to 6 can register here! https://bit.ly/heatval We start at 6:15, get there 30 mins before that if possible to get your food and drink orders in!

On Thursday the 15th we have our Third Thursday Specialty Trivia at the Underground Taphouse in Pasco. The specialty trivia this night is Music of the 80s and 90s. This special event requires online registration! Your team of 2 to 6 can register here https://bit.ly/heatoldsch

We ask teams who register for Specialty Trivia to read and understand our basic rules before they play our game, this is to keep gameplay smooth and head off many questions ahead of time. All players on your team should read the rules here: https://bit.ly/heatrules

We are happy to announce New Partnerships with Kindred Spirits of Richland (Taylor Swift Trivia coming in March), Nookies Restaurant/Hermiston Brewing Company (Music Bingo on the 20th) and The return of Tri-Cities Cider House under new ownership! (Trivia on the 22nd!) Looking forward to shows at these location all coming after Valentines Day!


Tuesday Specialty Trivia – All Things Disney! – Photo Round – Disneyland Attractions, Disney Birds
Wednesday at Sams Saloon – Halftime Shows, Live Trials
Thursday at The Underground Taphouse – Tycoons and Titans, It Happened in Feb
Saturday at Atomic Ale Brewpub and Eatery – Diseases, Musicians without a #1 Hit