Let Heat Entertainment Group help with your Wedding, Business Event or Private Party. Heateg.com

On Weds Jan 10th, We will have The Twilight Saga Specialty Trivia from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, register your team of 2 to 6 for FREE right here! https://bit.ly/heatvamp

On Tuesday Jan 9th, our Specialty Trivia Night at Southridge Dugout will feature the First 3 Fast and Furious Franchise Movies! Get your team of 2 to 6 and register at https://bit.ly/heatff1-3


Wednesday at Sams Saloon: Who’s the Boss – TV Edition and 21st Century European History
Thursday at The Underground Taphouse: Record Labels and 2000s Pop Culture Revival
Saturday at Atomic Ale: Photography and Game Shows