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See our full calendar at the bottom… here are the highlights…

2 New Shows! Karaoke is returning to Richland Dugout with an Industry Night for the HOTEL and RESTAURANT industry! 8pm to Mid every Sunday. Badger Canyon Dugout will start a bi-weekly trivia night as of Tuesday March 12!

Coming Fri March 15th , the popular St. Pattys Day Cruise with Water 2 Wine Cruises!

Trivia this Thursday at TC Cider House starts at 6:15PM

Be our State Karaoke Idol and Maybe event the International Karaoke Idol! We have 3 More show choices in the Tri Cities you can register for…  AUGUST 5th, starting at 9pm we will be at Richland Dugout, the AUGUST 12th at Pasco Dugout Visit KaraokeIdols.com to create an account, then login to get started! All karaoke singers welcome when as time available before and after the competition itself. Runs from 9 to 1. Did you know you can ALSO register a duet and sing for the Duet Championship with its own prize package?

Tues Trivia Badger Canyon Dugout – Classic TV shows, World Capitals
Wednesday at Sams Saloon – Sports Legends, Literary Lines
Wednesday at Richland Dugout – Historical events and Figures, Food and Drink
Thursday at The Underground Taphouse – Fictional Horses and 2010’s TV Show Theme Music
Thursday at TC Cider House – Scientific Instruments and Sci-Fi Villains
Saturday at Atomic Ale Brewpub and Eatery – Magazine and Podcasts



Richland Dugout Karaoke Idols with Heat Entertainment Group
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