Thank you all for taking the time to compete in the competition. The hardest part of any competition is the cut-down. Whether or not you made the cut or not, you are all skilled singers and did a great job. This is pretty intense pressure if you allow it to be and the judge labored over the decisions based on all criteria. A great singer may have lacked elsewhere, a singer with less vocal skill may have excelled in other categories… some put the whole package together in the judges eyes.
Whatever the result, don’t look at this as anything other than some fun with an opportunity to learn and grow. We will lose a large chuck of singers in Round 3 as I’m not going to allow our show (this one anyway, other event types may be different) to ever live eliminate a competitor because it sends the wrong message.
I’m only going to, in order of score, list the singers who moved on without sharing exact scores. I will say that there was a four way tie at #16 and I let those ties move through. Judges will be forced to settle ties going forward. If you want me to share the details of your scoring you can request it via EMAIL ONLY at
For those who moved on, you will receive an email with the extra details (each week will have an unannounced twist during the game, because keeping you on your toes is just as important).
Without further ado – click here to see the list moving on.