Congrats to our Final Five! But as if it wasn’t hard enough… things are about to get more interesting!
Songs must be submitted by Wednesday, March 2nd at 5pm or be defaulted to your Round 2 (not round 3) song.
Singers will sing a song of their choice (unless you don’t get it submitted as noted above) and one assigned to them by the host (I will text you individually by 7pm Monday night, you will be able to reject ONLY THE FIRST SONG I SUPPLY or be forced into my backup option for you). My goal is not to trip you up, I’ll find a song for your voice you may not have sung before. The hosts choice will only be rated on vocal skills as noted below.
You will be able to practice with the host at the Weds, Thurs or Friday shows as needed. This allows the host to fine-tune your sound.
I highly suggest you reserve tables for Saturday if your planning for visitors. I will not be allowing rotation of regular karaoke during the finals to prevent those who didn’t join the competition to take away from the shine of our finals. That’s why we have an earlier start time. Singers will go in reverse order of finish as we did last week for both of our rounds.
Scoring Template for this week!
1st song (Your Choice)
Sing without words! Did you need the screen? most of the time (lowest score) to none of the time (highest score) 0-5 points
Artistic interpretations (Did you pick a song that shows you off? Is the song a safe choice vs a Challenge? IE overly repetitive, simple melody) 0-5 points
Stage Presence (some will sit, some will walk the crowd, some will stand in place… in doing so did you attempt to or successfully engage the audience? Make them or the judge feel like they are part of the performance?) 0 – 5 points
Image – Did you dress for the generation or style of music? (simple props are allowed) 0-5 points
Diction – can we hear the words clearly? 0 – 10pts
Overall Vocal Quality – 0 – 10pts
Timing (you are allowed to adlib as long as the timing fits the tempo of the song) – 0-10pts
Song Selection for their voice? (singing a challenging pitch off key is less important than singing on key) 0 – 10pts
2nd song (Host Choice)
Diction – can we hear the words clearly? 0 – 10pts
Overall Vocal Quality – 0 – 10pts
Timing (you are allow to adlib as long as the timing fits the tempo of the song) – 0-10pts
Competition Tip # 1: Be Well Prepared. …
Competition Tip # 2: Know Your Voice Well. …
Competition Tip # 3: Dress Appropriately for Your Image and Your Song. …
Competition Tip # 4: Use Your Stage or move to engage your audience …
Competition Tip # 5: Always Do Your Vocal Warm Ups Before You Sing!
Competition Tip # 6: USE YOUR HOST AS A RESOURCE! Ask Questions and practice when you can.
Our Finals will be held starting at 8:30 pm Saturday, March 5th at Southridge Dugout.
Our prizes come from our Bar Sponsor, The Dugout Bar, and Grills and Heat Entertainment Group. $1000 in total cash, along with trophies and shirts.
1st Prize!
$500 cash – First Place Trophy – Winners T-Shirt
2nd Place
$300 cash – Runners Up Trophy
3rd Place
$100 cash – Trophy
4th and 5th will get $50 cash and a Trophy
While a trophy will be presented at the end, please return to Craig for engraving. I will be doing it personally and have them returned within a few days.
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